Neuropolitique - Gene Pools (1992)
+ info
Primeiro lançamento desse projeto do inglês Matt Cogger, bastante influenciado pelo som de Detroit - não à toa, já que ele trabalhou na gravadora Transmat no final da década de 80 (tem até um remix do Derrick May para uma faixa dele na coletânea Philosophy Of Sound And Machine). Muito bom!
ResponderExcluirHello , first , thank you for this piece of history , i'm 19 yo , and this is a dream for me to discover some of the finest techno records of this periode !
ResponderExcluirI know this is a realy rare record , but , have you this one ?
: Nu-Era – Beyond Gravity (1994)
This album is a liquid space dream , a treasure from abysses to cosmos , and it would be amazing to share it if you have it , please tell me man :) :) :) , this album is a pure diamond , please !!!! :)
hey Gregouz, i´m happy to make you happy! :D
ExcluirI do have this album, what´s your email? I´ll upload the link for you.
Nice :) !
Excluirmy email is gregoire.v@hotmail.fr (omg i'm crying ^^ , thk you so much)
PS : 320kbps ? (or flac ^^ ....) ? ^^
God bless you man , love from France !
I'd like a copy too PLEASE!!!
ResponderExcluirhey keith, I´ll post the nu-era album in a few days (probably saturday!)