sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012

Derrick May - Innovator - Soundtrack For The Tenth Planet

Derrick May - Innovator - Soundtrack For The Tenth Planet (1991)
+ info

Compilação de faixas clássicas do pioneiro Derrick May, um dos 3 "pais" do techno de Detroit (ao lado do Juan Atkins e Kevin Saunderson), produzidas em sua maioria no final dos anos 80, como Rhythim Is Rhythim e Mayday. Estão aqui as clássicas Wiggin, Nude Photo, The Beginning, e claro, um dos maiores hinos do techno de Detroit, Strings Of Life. Obrigatório em qualquer coleção!

11 comentários:

  1. ai sim mestre Derrick.. parabens pelo up.

  2. colega recomendo um forum russo com torrents diversas dessa epoca . muito bom..algumas vem ate em FLAC

  3. i just discovered this blog today and have to say its fucking brilliant. its a treasure trove of early 90's techno. theres a lot of stuff here that i've been looking for for a very long time, especially the likemind and a.r.t. stuff. thanx so much for all the music, my ears will be kept very happy and busy for the next few weeks, keep up the good work.

    1. I made this blog for people like you.
      cheers from brazil!

    2. your hard work is very much appreciated.

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. ola desculpe a demora o forum que pesquiso é o Rutracker.org

    muito bom.^^

  6. Thank you so much for hosting this. I am getting into Detriot techno and the "Big Three" and cannot wait to hear May for the first time.

  7. Thank you so much. Greetins from Mexico.
